Okadora is a company which has used innovative lateral thinking and broken new ground in the field of drying technology by replacing ‘horizontal’ with ‘vertical’. Now we are in the process of launching our international marketing from Japan. Okadora technology offers the world market unprecedented benefits and solutions in a field where people have struggled desperately with serious environmental issues, especially in the sector of waste treatment, as well as the conversion of wastes into resources.
Now we are looking for qualified sales agents with capabilities in the field of application engineering, and also sales experience in waste management & recycling.

We will appoint one sales agent for the country provisionally, except North and South America and China for its market sizes in bigger than other countries. It will be also possible for those who has an international sales net work, to sell Okadora products for the world market, except Japan and Korea.
All sales representing is based on the non exclusive basis.

For further information please contact:
Ms. Akiko Kanai
4-4-2 Sugita, Isogo-Ku, Yokohama, Japan 235-0033
Tel: +81 45 774 0055
Fax: +81 45 774 0048
E-mail: kanai@okadora.co.jp
URL: http://www.okadora.co.jp